[📚Sunday Book Club]: Donald Miller; "Building a Story Brand"

[📚Sunday Book Club]: Donald Miller; "Building a Story Brand"

This one is classic and should be revisited annually, just to make sure your own branding is solid.

Donald Miller’s book, Building a Story Brand, teaches us how to take elements of a story and create emotionally charged connection, communication and messaging. And let’s face it, we are bombarded with thousands of commercials, news, emails… you name it. Everyone wants our attention, and we want/need attention as well so that we can stand out in our industry as experts and leaders. 

The book is structured with seven components to help you create your own brand script:

  1. The Character, aka The Hero
  2. The Problem or a Villain?
  3. The Guide…that’s YOU 😁
  4. The Plan
  5. Calls to Action
  6. Avoid Failure
  7. Attain Success

Here are some quotes which perfectly describe the book:

“Here is nearly every story you see or hear in a nutshell: A CHARACTER who wants something encounters a PROBLEM before they can get it. At the peak of their despair, a GUIDE steps into their lives, gives them a PLAN, and CALLS THEM TO ACTION. That action helps them avoid FAILURE and ends in a SUCCESS.”

“Oprah Winfrey, an undeniably successful guide to millions, once explained the three things every human being wants most are to be seen, heard, and understood. This is the essence of empathy.”

“What we think we are saying to our customers and what our customers actually hear are two different things. And customers make buying decisions not based on what we say but on what they hear.”

It’s fascinating, isn’t it? We humans are drawn to stories more than facts. It’s that core driving emotion which makes our clients buy or sell their homes. If we figure out how to connect, how to speak their language, how to make our brand easy to understand…we WIN.

To tell you the truth, since you read till the end, is that last year I purchased a second home staging business. It’s a luxury brand. That's why I'm re-reading this book, because I’m working on my own story brand as I write this. I'm figuring out: WHO is my Hero and HOW can I HELP. The main objective is to update the story, connect both businesses, but also make sure they remain separate. 

Sounds complicated?

Trust me, I like a good challenge!

Oh, and lastly, are any of you still considering joining me in our new monthly Real Estate Rockstars Book Club? I’m thinking of picking a book for each month to improve our businesses. If you are in, reach out to me or Roseanne, or sign up at this link.

Let 2024 be our Best Year EVER!

Love, Hana❤️

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