From Agent to Rockstar.
"Easy to implement. Simple to execute. Deliver fast results regardless of the level of experience."
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Courses by Borino
Core Influence
View Core InfluenceThe days of traditional real estate “sales scripts” are over. Today, consumers are more educated, and also more picky and skeptical. If you don’t deliver your best, confident, genuine communication in the first few seconds of a conversation, it’s OVER. Be confident. Speak differently.
View FSBOrinoEvery successful agent has a proven system that generates leads. And many use a system that quickly turns For Sale By Owners into leads, appointments, and listings. FSBO listings are big opportunities to score tons of listings – and help sellers. The program is designed on the premise of creating genuine trust - one person helping another person.
Real Estate Video Plus
View Real Estate Video PlusHow To Make Great Real Estate Videos That Attract New Leads And Clients -- With Nothing But Your Smartphone. How to make your first video in 24 hours or less. A few simple accessories for your smartphone (iPhone or Android). Ten techniques to get comfortable in front of the camera - even if you hate being filmed.
Expired Plus
View Expired PlusLet's suppose you contact one good expired per day. You look at five or even ten, but only one is worth going after. That's 240 contacts in the next twelve months. This system has already helped over 12,000 real estate agents to get out of a rut... End the grind of endless hours of prospecting... Get motivated leads to come to them... And build a profitable, predictable, and ENJOYABLE real estate business.
Listing Presentation Plus
View Listing Presentation PlusListing Rockstar is a complete system that will help you turn appointments into great listings. Just grab a cup of coffee and go through the video coaching program. Then, personalize the marketing, the pre-listing package, and the presentation materials -- and in just a few hours you will be ready to take that next listing.
What Others Are Saying
❤️ Laura, Interiors by Laura
"Laura is a business coach with a passion and drive to assist entrepreneurs. She guided me to make my services more sellable and marketable to prospective clients, put systems into place to automate my business, and encouraged me to keep pushing forward as a business owner by guiding me to understand by value."
❤️ Travis Best, CB Sea Coast Realty
"I actually listed my first expired the first week, so thanks for the great system! The letters and resume are great stuff! Now, I'm currently negotiating a third expired listing that I picked up a little over a week ago. Once those two homes close, that will be almost $10,000 in commission income from expired. Once the third home is under contract, almost $15,000! And all of it just because of a small investment. Borino, you should charge more!
❤️ Reynaldo Ruiz, REMAX
"This was an amazing training. Mike, you are awesome! You know what it takes to be a top producer... great coach!