Sunday Book Club - "Drive" by Daniel Pink - Unleashing the Power of Motivation

Sunday Book Club - "Drive" by Daniel Pink - Unleashing the Power of Motivation

How is your motivation, inspiration, incentive, reason, or is it “ a drive”? I’m being playful, however I feel the importance of tapping into our DRIVE…

What makes us go the extra mile? What keeps us going on? What makes us not give up?

In uncertain times, unpredictable economic and political situations we have to hold on to our inner power. That’s why I want to highlight Daniel’s Pink book, Drive.

I want to remind ALL of us that the concept of MOTIVATION leans into autonomy, mastery and purpose. 

🔑 Autonomy: as entrepreneurs we are the leaders, educators and motivators.
🚀 Mastery: It is in our hands to get on the path of learning, growing and improving. Even if it’s in small leaps, eventually it will reach a much higher compound effect
🌍 Purpose: This goes as deep as finding one's purpose, aka your own North Star 🌟

In Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Daniel Pink explores the combination of: autonomy, mastery and purpose. If you ponder over these, you’ll start catching up on reachable motivation. 🧠

Here are a couple of quotes for you to ponder 💬 

🌟 “Greatness and nearsightedness are incompatible. Meaningful achievement depends on lifting one's sights and pushing toward the horizon.”Control leads to compliance; autonomy leads to engagement."

🌟 "People can have two different mindsets, she says. Those with a 'fixed mindset' believe that their talents and abilities are carved in stone. Those with a “growth mindset” believe that their talents and abilities can be developed. Fixed mindsets see every encounter as a test of their worthiness. Growth mindsets see the same encounters as opportunities to improve.”

🌟 “Children who are praised for ‘being smart' often believe that every encounter is a test of whether they really are. So to avoid looking dumb, they resist new challenges and choose the easiest path. By contrast, kids who understand that effort and hard work lead to mastery and growth are more willing to take on new, difficult tasks.”

I would say that this book needs to end up in your hands if you want to improve your leadership game,  are a lifelong learner like me, or entrepreneur who wants to make a difference.

One more huge incentive to read and improve your motivation is that it’s contagious. You can, and you will influence everything around you if your own motivation gets to the next level.

So I say “let’s do it”!

Isn’t all this about the “journey”? 😉

Have a fantastic week!

Love, Hana ❤️

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